Currency Pair (currency pair):
Share market price of shares of any rule of the country's currency is set to be opposite. For example, our market share is a share price of Tk.
The Forex market is impossible for any country's currency or a currency value. The value of the euro or the dollar may not be any. For example: 73 for $ 1 with the money available. The 1 euro, or 0.93 dollars to 0.70 Australian dollars only to be found. If it's said Japanese iyen, then 1 dollar to 80 yen you can get. So, what is the dollar value? I trade the Forex market in various countries, people, dollars, a price that they buy?
This is why the Forex market is traded through the currency pair.
For example, EUR / USD (Euro / USD), a currency pair. Currently 1 EUR / USD = 1.4434. This means that 1 Euro you will receive 1.4434 dollars. Oh, I forgot, USD = United States Dollar or American Dollar. Easy to say, we would know dollar.
I do not go to some currency pair
1 AUD / USD = 1.0543, 1 Australian dollar means that you will receive 1.0543 American dollars.
1 GBP / USD = 1.6422, which means that 1 million American dollars for £ 1.64 you can get.
1 NZD / USD = 0.8177, 0.8177 means that 1 in New Zealand dollars, American dollars, you can get.
1 USD / JPY = 80.29, with $ 1 means you are 80. The Japanese yen will be 9.
1 EUR / JPY = 115.91, means that 1 Euro you will receive 115.91 Japanese yen.
1 EUR / USD = 1.4434. This means that 1 Euro you will receive 1.4434 dollars.
Then, 1 USD / EUR will indicate how much Euro you will get $ 1. The answer will be, just the opposite, 1/1.4434 or 0.6928
Do a little test, I can’t learn him. Able to answer in this post are provided below. Be careful, do not answer, but steal!
Puzzle 1:
1 EUR / GPB = 0.8708, which means what? If you want to help you on, and the bottom of the can to the north.
First, a currency market Forex currency pair is the ratio of two. For example, EUR / USD means that USD 1 Euro to get much. The Bank's market share and we share with the people in the Meghma Cement 1 How many shares do not get it to account. And so, we fill in the share market prices of most shares, share price, but some decimal.
The Forex market has been up to maximum of 4 rooms, it is usually because the Forex market movement after the maximum number of 3 and 4. So it was up to standard
At first glance, it does not go from June 10 to June 6, at 011, 5 days in the EUR / USD is the price:
Date - day maximum - at minimum
June 6, at 011 - 1.4558 - 1.4658
June 7, at 011 - 1.4564 - 1.4696
June 8, at 011 - 1.4565 - 1.4695
June 9, at 011 - 1.4478 - 1.4653
10 June, at 011 - 1.43 3 - 1.4551
Move to find that the market is that it is the second maximum, 3 rd and 4th field is.
[Puzzle 1 Answers: 1 EUR / GPB = 0.8708. This means that 1 Euro you will get £ ¬ 0.8708]
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