Friday, July 27, 2012


Forex market, we can make every pips movement. This means that the price at 1.1710 to 1.1720 gain/ loss will be about 10 pips. Lot/volume we set the pro or against us when we pips clear that the amount what will be gain/loss

All kinds of forex broker
3 kinds of forex broker:
• Standard lot Broker
• Mini lot brokers
• Micro lot broker

1 lot = $ 10 standard lot broker / pips.
 The mini-lot broker 1 lot = $ 1 / pips.
 The micro-lot broker 10 lot = $ 1 / pips.
That means, you have 1 standard lot broker a lot of open trade, and 10 pips in your favor, your profit is $ 10x10 = $ 100. But $ 100 will be similar to loss Angeles.
However, if you broker 1 lot mini-lot and open a trade in your favor, your profit is 10 pips $ 1x10 = $ 10. Los Angeles will be similar, but the $ 10.
And, if you broker 1 micro lot a lot of open trade and 10 in your favor, your profit is pips $ 0.1x10 = $ 1. Even $ 1 will be similar to loss angele's.

Standard lot broker
• 1 standard lot = $ 10 / pips
• 0.1 standard lot = $ 1 / pips
• 0.01 standard lot = $ 0.10 / pips
• 10 standard lot = $ 100 / pips
Mini lot broker
• 1 mini lot = $ 1 / pips
• 0.1 mini lot = $ 0.10 / pips
• 0.01 mini lot = $ 0.01 / pips
• 10 mini lot = $ 10 / pips
Micro lot broker
• 1 micro lot = $ 0.10 / pips
• 0.1 micro lot = $ 0.01 / pips
• 0.01 micro lot = $ 0,001 / pips
• 10 micro lot = $ 1 / pips
Lott did things by the standard, different of mini and micro lot. The lot size is the same as broker facility.
Most brokers will give you a minimum 0.01 to a late trade. Thus, the standard minimum lot broker pip, you can take a value of 10 cents. The mini-lot broker you can find the minimum value of 1 St.pip. The micro-lot broker you can find the minimum value of 0.1 cents pip. So if your capital is less, then you risk less to trade mini lot or micro lot broker can.
Just that you are 1 lot, 0.1 lot or 0.01, you can’t trade late, if you want to 2.5 lot, 1.3 lot to trade a custom lot.

How do I understand my broker lot of micro, mini lot/standard lot?
Micro account you can trade micro lot trading point. Insta-forex, hot-forex, life-forex lot brokers. FBSFX  optimux etc. standard lot brokers. If you do not know your broker lot of micro, mini lot or standard lot or not, then you ask the question broker Live support. Many of them have websites. Open a demo account or open a trade with 1 lot. If that $ 10 million of the profit or loss per pips change the standard lot, but understand it is Broker. If I see that the $ 1 million is being changed, then the mini lot brokers understand it. 10 cents if you understand the changes in the micro lot brokers. The lot size of some of the adherents of the type of account broker adherents.


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